Without broadcasting
my age to the world, let me just say I am "well-seasoned." I've been
around a while . . . I'm in those "sage" years of my life.
The best years started
when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior more than 35 years ago. But as I look
back over those years, I realize I spent most of them in the wilderness, just
like the Israelites. And all the while the Promised Land was only an eleven day
journey away!
Only eight or nine
years ago did I start learning that because of Christ I can have more than a
ticket to heaven! Jesus actually made it possible for me to have a victorious
life now! So I started digging into the Word and learning how to appropriate
the promises of God that He makes possible for us today.
It took me a while . .
. I had to work through feelings of unworthiness and doubt. But as my faith
I started asking the
Lord for specific needs and He provided! I admit, at first I was shocked!
"Wow, Lord! You really do answer prayer!"
Since then I have
learned more and more about praying for His will to be done on earth as it is
in heaven.
I continue to learn
and God continues to be Who He is, the Faithful One. And now I am ready to get
radical about every area of my existence. I want my life to be such a powerful
testimony for living a Spirit-filled life that people want what I have! Not
because of me, but because of Jesus!
The Daniel Fast has
served as a powerful wake-up call for me. I don't want to live in the
"natural" anymore. I want a "supernatural" life. I won't
let the enemy knock me around like before. I am a child of the Most High God
and I plan to claim every promise, every protection and every right that my
inheritance affords me!
We are walking into a
new time . . . the world is shaking in many ways. But we must take hold and
claim what is ours! We can be consecrated and separate for a season . . . or we
can make it the way we live - Spirit-led, victorious and shining examples of
the Way of Christ.
We've wandered in the
wilderness long enough! The Promised Land is waiting for us. But we have to
take the journey to get there. We must know what the Word of God says about us.
We must align our lives with God's Way. And we must think, act and speak as
Jesus taught us.
Of the 1.5 million
Israelites that left Egypt, only two crossed the Jordon and entered into the
Promised Land. Of the millions of Christians around the world today, how many
will accept the challenge and make their way to the promises and victorious
life made possible for us because of the cross? I am determined to be one . . .
and I hope as you read these words, you too will commit to the journey. No more
wilderness-living for us. We know a better place and we're on our way to the
land the Lord gave us! Hallelujah!
Be blessed.
(From Daniel-Fast.com by Susan Gregory- Author, Speaker, Christian Life Coach)
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